Richard Vanek

About me

From as early as 1993 I have had a presence on the internet in the form of my photography web site and, later, a blog where I published my photographs and some writings. Maybe you had dropped by in those years. As time went on, my photography style has changed. At first many of my images were in the street photography style. Along with photographer Dave Beckerman we had a sort of independent dialogue. He on his blog and me on mine.

Later, I moved from street photography to a more documentary style and I started to present my images as groups, as photography projects. I always wrote some short text with each image. Sometimes it was needed and sometimes I just wrote seemingly unrelated, free-association text to accompany the photos.

There was a period when I published a new photograph every day. Mostly in black and white, but once in a while a colour one as well. That was a method to keep me in a rhythm. I didn't always like it, but that habit kept me in something which I wouldn't describe as creativity, but more as a commitment or the obligation not to fall into silence. A discipline.

In the past few years it often happened that I have nothing to say that can be communicated through a single photo and I needed more time for creating a set of images. The periods of silence grew longer.

For me, it's important that I have joy from making images and writing texts. Therefore, I've abandoned the blog format and offer to you more complete ideas in the form of photographic essays.

Of course, I'm pleased by your interest. However, I don't like for that to be the only reason for me to create. Therefore, you won't find Facebook LIKE buttons or Twitter links or star ratings with these photos, nor even the possibility to comment. If you'd like to communicate with me, and I welcome that, please write me an email.

Richard Vanek